What should we cover in 2023?
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln (we know he gets the credit...
How can we make better decisions?
What should we cover in 2023?
8 brain books for you
Group dynamics - 4 things you need to know
3 tips for leading group discussions
How do world-beating teams decide?
Why we need U-turns
Beware - groupthink
Make. Meetings. Better.
3 pillars of bad incentives
Broad incentives
Wisdom in crowds
10 Weasel words and phrases
Hormones cheat sheet
12 links between Hormones and Decisions
Sex and Sleep hormones
Cortisol - the hormone of alarm
Endorphins - the hormone of relief
The hormone of respect - Serotonin
Oxytocin - the hormone of trust
The digital addiction industry
Dopamine - why is everyone talking about it?
Insights from 20 decision blogs
10 Forecasting tips
You've been framed