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Decision-making for young adults
Decision Making
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A series on the brain and decisions
mental fitness, change your mind
Luxury beliefs
“People care a great deal more about appearance and reputation than about reality.” - Jonathan Haidt , The Righteous Mind Are beliefs the...
Death by process
“Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.” - Albert Einstein Where to go next? It feels in the day that Amazon can get a product to...
The Blame Game
Blaming others is a common response to not feeling happy Too good to be true usually means too good to be true." – Richard Branson We...
Book: Rockefeller Letters
This is the book cover This week, I have not been able to spend as much time writing as I would have liked to, and that is largely...
Laws are tools not truths
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - Robert Kennedy The...
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